Thursday, October 11, 2018

3 Emotional Control Techniques To Combat Stress

Stress is a natural defence against demanding situations, but keeping it prolonged affects your life. Practice these exercises and take care!
Stress is a state of physical and mental tension that is generated as an automatic response to external situations that are perceived as threatening or demanding. It is known that in itself stress is not something "bad" because it drives us to achieve goals and can even be healthy if you know how to handle it effectively.

At first, the stress response is necessary and adaptive, but if it is prolonged or intensified you can experience serious physical and/or emotional disorders affecting the daily performance of a person in their different spheres of life.

Three Phases Of Stress Development

Stress has been divided into three main phases, and you can also see them in the best stress monitor application:

• Alarm Or Flight Phase:              

It occurs when our body is prepared to produce maximum energy, with the consequent chemical changes. The brain sends signals that activate the secretion of hormones, which through a chain reaction cause different reactions in the body such as: muscle tension, sharpening of the senses, increase in the frequency and intensity of heartbeat, elevation of blood flow , increase in the level of insulin so that the body metabolises more energy, etc.
When the alarm signal passes, our organism relaxes, and we recover the state of rest. If the situation is maintained continuously, we move on to the next phase.

• Adaptation Phase:

It is also known as resistance phase and occurs when the alert situation is maintained without there being relaxation. It is then when the organism tries to return to its normal state, and a new physiological response occurs again, keeping the hormones in a permanent state of alertness. This phase reaches its limit when the energy is exhausted.

• Exhaustion Phase:

It happens when stress becomes chronic, and it is maintained for a period of time that varies according to each individual. In this phase, weakness is experienced, and a sense of anguish and anxiety appears that ends up affecting the physical and/or emotional health of the person.
The main signs and symptoms that are observed in an individual in this phase are apathy, colitis, gastritis, ulcers, insomnia, irritability, heart disease, depression, etc.

Among the most common causes of stress at work are the following:

  • Excessive workload.
  • Interpersonal problems with colleagues and superiors that affect the work environment.
  • Lack of specialised knowledge to develop the functions.
  • Continuous threat of clipping or organisational restructuring.
  • Family and personal situations that hinder and interfere with work performance.

Anti-Stress Factors

However, not all people face stressful situations in the same way. What for some is a stressful situation for others may not be. This is due to certain factors such as:
  • Attitude: It has to do with the way we interpret the reality that surrounds us, so for someone, a situation can be perceived as demanding and threatening while for another it represents an interesting challenge or an opportunity for development.
  • Physical well - being: The poor diet and nutrition stress the body, and minds hurting exceedingly who is in this state. A person under stress requires more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Likewise, the inadequate physical activity can cause a stressful state for the organism.
  • Support Networks: We are social beings that we need from others, and therefore most people require someone in their lives to trust in a difficult time. When support networks are lacking, stressful situations become more difficult to manage.
  • Relaxation opportunities: Recreational activities provide spaces to release tensions. When a person lacks external interests, hobbies or a means of relaxation, it is very likely that he will not be able to handle stressful situations because he will not be able to discharge the stress that they cause him.

In this way, it can be established that a person who has negative attitudes, poor physical health status, lack of social support and little opportunities to relax, has high probabilities to experience stressful situations with greater anxiety.

Techniques of emotional control against stress

There are basic emotional control techniques to cope with stress, and these can be used before, during or after a stressful event.

1º Deep Breathing:

This technique is very easy to apply and is useful to control physiological reactions when facing emotionally intense situations.
  • Take a deep breath while mentally counting up to 4.
  • Hold your breath while mentally counting up to 4.
  • Release the air while mentally counting up to 8

2nd Stop Thinking:

This technique focuses on the control of thought and to put it into practice you must follow the following steps:
  • When you begin to find yourself uncomfortable, nervous or upset, pay attention to the type of thoughts, you are having and identify all those with negative connotations (focused on failure, hatred towards other people, guilt, etc.)
  • Repeat to yourself "Enough!"
  • Repeat to yourself "Enough!"
  • Replace those thoughts with more positive ones

The problem with this technique is that some practice is needed to identify negative thoughts, as well as to turn them around and turn them into positives.

3º Muscle Relaxation:

This technique requires previous training following the following steps:
  • Sit quietly in a comfortable position. Close your eyes.
  • Slowly relax all the muscles of your body, starting with the toes and then do the same with the rest of the body to reach the muscles of the neck and head.
  • Once you have relaxed all the muscles of your body, imagine yourself in a peaceful and relaxing place (for example on a beach). Whichever place you choose, imagine that you are totally relaxed and carefree.

Practice this exercise as often as possible, at least once a day for about 10 minutes each time. If you have been convinced of the usefulness of the exercise, remember that you must practice it to automate the process and get relaxed in a few seconds.
Finally, it is important to consider that stressful situation are present in our daily lives and evading, denying or suppressing them could be triggers of serious long-term physical and emotional health problems.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Benefits Of Walking One Hour Daily

If you are getting fat and want to lose that extra weight, recover the line but, above all, be in shape and feel good, we assure you that the best exercise that exists is to walk. Natural movements for our body in such a way that, not only can we lose weight, but we will avoid many injuries that produce other types of high impact exercises, such as running, which can end up damaging the knees. Let's see the benefits of walking for one hour a day. 

Walking Is The Healthiest Exercise
Without a doubt, walking is one of the best and most healthy exercises to get fit and have a healthy and balanced body. Keep in mind that, like any exercise, must be done in a certain way so that the desired results and that way we will go to describe it to you to exercise following these guidelines and you can benefit from the advantages of a daily walk. You can use iPhone walking tracker to see your record.

Start Small
First of all, you have to have enough willpower to devote to this exercise of walking, at least one hour a day. In any case, regarding the time you have to be walking, we can start with 20 minutes-half an hour, to gradually increase the time to an hour.

Adopt It As A Routine
Second, this exercise must be done daily so that the body can absorb these new muscular efforts and strengthen the areas used for walking.

Warm Up
Third, we should do some stretching exercises before and after starting to walk. Well-stretched muscles help the body to age later and with more health.

Walk At The Proper Pace
Fourth, the actual walking exercise must be done in the following way. We have to start naturally and progress so that we get to walk at a good pace, but without getting to run. So for a minimum time of half an hour and a maximum of one hour each day. We assure you that in less than a month you will be in shape and you will have lost the weight you wanted.

The Benefits Of Walking
It is shown that walking burns faster than other exercises, helps the cardiovascular system to activate and fortify. You burn calories and it helps you with cholesterol that is harmful to the body.
Increase resistance to efforts, to tireless and later. Also, psychological health is benefited: depression, stress, insomnia and many other emotional and mental problems can be mitigated or solved with this wonderful natural exercise.
Now that the good weather starts and if you have no excuse: take out your sports shoes, put something comfortable, disconnect from Whatsapp and Facebook, devote a few minutes every day to walk. It's a simple activity, free (you do not need to pay a gym fee), you can do it alone or with a friend or family, on asphalt or grass and also helps lose weight.

I can assure you that doing some good stretching and walking daily as an exercise is much cheaper and effective than any gym when it comes to losing weight and getting fit. What do you think?

Monday, September 24, 2018

What Is A Personal Trainer?

A personal trainer is a fitness professional, qualified in physical activity, who prescribes exercises, motivates and sets goals individually, taking into account the physical conditions and the objectives of each of their clients.  

Personal training has been considered one of the 10 best physical activity services for this century. The success of personal training is due, in the first place, to the benefits and satisfaction obtained by personalised attention to each client and, secondly, to the fact that this service contributes to improving the management of the centers and their economic results in a remarkable way.

Goal Of Personal Training
Personal training is aimed to make the technology (healthy lifestyle app), resources and time that a qualified professional can offer, in order to achieve the best results in the shortest time, and in the most effective and safe way. This service seeks maximum efficiency in the processes, maximum efficiency in the results and minimum risks in the respective security. If the physical advice is designed and followed properly, there will be an improvement in the physical condition of the person, as well as their cardiac and respiratory capacity and their general state of health.

Some studies, such as The Effectiveness of Personal Training in the Change of Attitude towards Physical Activity, have shown the greatest effect of this sports option with respect to free training, especially in women. The key to this effectiveness lies in the fact that the training plan is adapted to the conditions and objectives of each person. In addition, the advice of the sports professional saves a large amount of time spent on ineffective exercises or practised in the wrong way.

What Does Personal Training Consist Of?
In the first place, the trainer will make the person who hires his service a physical examination from which a training program will be set based on the time available to the person who is going to carry it out, and the objectives that he wants to achieve. These can be weight loss, muscle definition and toning, maintenance, and so on. The training plan will vary depending on the progress of the person.

One of the main reasons for the failure of people who join the gym is the lack of willpower to go regularly to play sports. This is a problem that mostly affects beginners, those who are most recommended the advice of a personal trainer because among its most important advantages is the increase in motivation that this professional inflates in his client, as it drives him to follow a training program consistently and consistently. On the other hand, the person who hires a personal trainer ensures that they obtain the best possible results, which results in a greater efficiency of the time invested in their training. In addition, a good personal trainer will strive to improve the technique of your client, make it overcome the stagnation states and teach all the necessary aspects for it to design its own programs and, in the future, manage to train on their own without the need of a monitor. Finally, this fitness professional will monitor the posture and how to perform the exercises of the one he is advising, which is ultimately a guarantee to train in the safest way possible.

The main problems of personal training are on the one hand the price, as it is an additional service to the price of the gym, and on the other, the danger that the professional does not have the necessary qualification, because being an unregulated profession there are trainers personal with the most diverse training, often insufficient. For this reason, anyone who is interested in hiring a personal trainer is asked to ask about their training and, above all, their experience.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Good Practises In Stress Management

Good practises of companies in the management of work stress

It is popular wisdom to know that every act carries its consequences, that you are not healthy or sick without there being any reason for this, it is a secret even for ourselves to know what sometimes happens with the behaviour of our organism, how through the years we are changing and maybe degenerating in our body and mental health, in many cultures we are accustomed to accepting that with age our organism will decrease in their abilities and abilities to the point of becoming dependent of our relatives, who also have their occupations.

Stress is at the beginning, a controllable disease, based on therapies, mental and physical exercise programs, medical treatments, but above all to recognise it, to know and have the disposition and responsibility to channel these energies along a path more constructive, one could get to control and gain the ability to handle it to a large extent. You can use stress monitor app to check your level of stress. 

The problem is that most of the time we do not realise or do not give the correct importance to this silent agent until it is too late. Some of the diseases that are most frequent today in society are the following:

1. ACV: cerebrovascular accident.-known as stroke or stroke, affects about 500,000 people per year in the United States alone and represents the third cause of death after myocardial infarction and cancer.

2. TIA -transient ischemic attack-episode characterised by temporary cerebral dysfunction as a consequence of decreased blood flow.

3. ADHD.-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.-is a learning disorder characterised by periods of short concentration, a level of constant hyperactivity and impulses inappropriate for age. It is believed that this disorder affects about 5% of children, begins in childhood and continues in adolescence and adulthood.

Here is the importance of improving our lifestyle, doing this can be the difference between living with an acceptable quality much of our lives and reach old age one day in good health and have the ability to stand by our own abilities. It would be good to carry out a self-survey:

How would I want my body to be in the period of my old age?
How can I create a truly healthy lifestyle that can be applied to my life?
Is it important for me to recognise what stress can cause in my life if I let it increase for a long period of time?
What actions am I willing to do to improve my life and why?

It's time, maybe you did not get to this page by chance, I hope this article helps you and gives you something for your life. Thank you for your time, and you know that I await your comments and suggestions.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How To Handle Daily Stress

In today's busy world, we are pressured to follow many directions at once. We have responsibilities at home and at work, and sometimes it just beats us. Our body begins to let us know that we are feeling the stress of our daily life. The sensations of stress are caused by the instinct of our body to defend itself. This instinct is good in emergency situations, like when we have to get out of the way of a vehicle approaching at full speed. But stress can cause unhealthy physical symptoms if not handled properly.

Our body works overtime when it faces daily challenges. The reality is that we are not prepared to face all that extra energy. We can begin to feel anxiety, fear, worry, and tension. If stress is not kept under control, it can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

You may also have to face important events in life that can cause stress. These may include:
The loss of a job (or the beginning of a new one).
Your child leaves or returns to the family home.
The death of your spouse.
A divorce or a marriage.
An illness or injury from you or a close family member.
Money problems.
A move.
The birth or adoption of a baby.
Path To Greater Well-Being
Stress can cause health problems or worsen existing problems, so it’s important to use stress management assessment tool to see your stress level. Talk to your primary care doctor if you think your symptoms may be caused by stress. It is important to make sure that they are not caused by other health problems.
Learn to recognise when you feel stressed. The first signs of stress include tension in the shoulders and neck or clenching of the fists. Try to avoid the fact or situation that causes you stress. If that is impossible, change the way you react to stress.

Workout. It is a healthy way to relieve the accumulated energy and tension. Exercise releases brain chemicals that make us feel good, called endorphins. It also helps to get into physical shape, which allows you to feel better.

Eat well. Stress can affect your appetite. Make sure you are eating regularly and balanced.
Sleep as necessary. It is important to get enough sleep so that your body has time to recover.
Meditate. Meditation is a form of guided thought. It can take many forms. You can do it with exercises that use the same movements over and over again, like walking or swimming. You can meditate practising relaxation techniques, stretching or breathing deeply.

o The relaxation techniques are simple. Start with a muscle. Hold it for a few seconds and then relax it. Do this with each of your muscles, starting with the toes and feet, and keep going up to the rest of the body.
o The elongation can also relieve tension. Rotate the head in a soft circle. Stretch up, and lean to one side and to the other slowly. Rotate the shoulders
o The deep, relaxed breathing alone can help relieve stress. This helps you get a lot of oxygen and activates the relaxation response of your body.

Let it be. Do not worry about things you cannot control, such as weather.
Do not worry about small things. Solve small problems. This can help you have a sense of control.
Prepare yourself according to your capacity for events that you know may be stressful, such as a job interview.
Up that encourage. Try to see change as a positive challenge, not as a threat.
Look for solutions. Resolve conflicts you have with other people.
Use the word. Talk about what is bothering you with a friend, family member or therapist you trust.
Be realistic, set realistic goals at home and at work. Avoid programming too many things.
Have a little fun participate in an activity that does not cause stress, such as sports, social events or hobbies.
Simply say no. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. In fact, they can increase your stress levels.

When To Consult Your Doctor
Below is a list of symptoms you may experience when you feel stressed. If you have tried the above tips and feel that you still need help to manage stress, visit your GP.

Typical Signs Of Stress
Back pain
Constipation or diarrhoea
High blood pressure
Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
Affective problems
Stiff neck or jaw
Stomach ache
Increase or loss of weight

Questions To Ask Your Doctor
What can I do to fall asleep more easily?
I'm exercising and eating healthy. What else can I do to stay healthy and not feel so stressed?
Do you recommend that I take medication if I cannot keep stress and anxiety in check?

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

5 Benefits Of Sports Training

The sports training can say that it is a process of continuous work, with the aim of developing certain physical and psychological for a person to achieve maximum performance in any sport-specific skills. Currently, sports training has a key element, being the application and use of a specialised scientific-pedagogical process, oriented towards the technical and physical improvement of athletes, thus increasing the work capacity, at the same time ensuring the achievement of high sporting results.
In addition, it is important to analyse this training model, especially with the benefits you can get when doing weight exercises to support sports training, as they are an element that, implemented correctly and with the supervision of a qualified personal trainer or expert in the area, can help you achieve your sports performance goals.

Benefits Of Sports Training

Here are some benefits and importance of healthy lifestyle:

Better muscle strength

This is one of the most attractive benefits of sports training, especially when working with weights, as intramuscular coordination is improved. In addition, if you increase the intensities, you can make your muscles 'learn' to involve more and more muscle fibers, something is also known as intramuscular coordination.
In this case, the progress of sports training is observed through greater muscle tone, as well as with the increase in muscle mass. Although we must say that muscle growth depends on the hormones that generate muscles, such as testosterone, for example.

Heat loss

The higher the muscle percentage, the higher the number of calories that will be burned. Therefore, those who train, have facilities to control their weight, also emphasising that the higher the percentage of muscles, the weight will also be relatively higher, because muscle mass tends to weigh more than body fat.

Improvement of posture

If the muscles are properly worked, perform a 'corset' function, achieving a correct posture and an attractive figure. But if the muscles are flaccid, the appearance of your body will seem flimsy, and if your muscles are unbalanced, your physical appearance will become unharmonious.

Prevent injuries

Sports training helps you to have well-developed muscles, wrapping the body and protecting it from bumps and falls. Especially, the back and the big joints receive additional protection when the muscles have a correct development because they facilitate the mobility of the joints and compensate for the danger of overload.

Better performance

If you manage to finish a good strength sports training, the sensation in your body will be of total relaxation, at the same time that you will be able to continue active. In addition, thanks to weight training, you can get a more attractive figure, an upright posture when walking and, above all, a better performance in the sport or physical activity that you want to enter.


Sports training is very useful for almost anyone, but before starting any plan or routine, it is necessary that you can consult with the doctor about your abilities to perform certain physical efforts, especially if you suffer from any special disease.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Did You Know That Stress Can Cause Some Diseases?

Suffering stress can constantly cause negative effects on both the heart and the digestive system
The stress can reach your body for different reasons. Problems at home, work demands, people who do not tolerate or break up are some of the reasons why you can feel that way.
Sometimes it is impossible not to feel stress or have stress management assessments, but there are some alternatives, such as exercising, walking or being distracted that can help you to release it. If you do not, stress can cause different damages to your health.

  • Problems in the skin

If you suffer from a high level of stress, you may start to feel itchy or irritated skin. In addition, this can cause you to get acne or you start to fall more hair.

  • Headaches

Another one of the evils that you generate the stress is a headache. When you are stressed, your head tries to think too much and control emotions, causing pain. To avoid it, try to do a daily physical activity that manages to distract you.

  • Heart problems

The stress on the body generates high blood pressure that can cause various heart problems that could reach cardiac arrest.

  • Muscle tears

If you are going to do any physical activity, you should stretch and be as relaxed as possible. If you do it stressed, your muscles will be tense and you will be more at risk of suffering some type of injury.

  • Mental problems

One of the things that can cause you to stress is different mental problems. Anxiety, insomnia or panic attacks are diseases in the mind that can be caused by a life full of stress.

  • Menstrual disorders

Excessive stress can alter your menstrual cycle. This is because the sex hormones and those produced by stress are regulated by the same gland: the hypothalamus.

  • Myopia

Vision problems may also appear if you try to read or observe things when you are stressed. You go very fast with what you try to read, and the eyes get tired and you can start to hurt yourself.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Improve The Quality Of Life

Good customer service starts with oneself. It is very difficult to serve other people well if you feel bitter, unmotivated and stressed.

You cannot even be a good student, a parent, or a husband if you do not learn how to positively handle the daily pressures of life, before they become stress.

However, with small daily actions we can find great solutions to improve our quality of life, achieve better performance at work, maintain better relationships with our friends, and share significant moments with the family. In short, obtain greater satisfaction in all areas and situations.

When we hear about stress, we often think that its solution only depends on the disappearance of its causes. But with certain simple practices we can give ourselves good attention and in this way expand our opportunities for well-being.

According to some stress counsellors, stressful situations adversely affect people in different ways, but there are also many ways to keep them under control.

Learn To Recognize The Causes Of Stress
When we are adults, many of us get stressed for reasons linked to work and stress costs companies billions of dollars translated into low productivity, absenteeism and claims for compensation.

Others are stressed by monetary issues. In many cases, paying the debts of the house and managing bank accounts is the most stressful task in the home.

And almost all of us who have parental functions stress the various family responsibilities.

We Must Also Understand The Symptoms
How is stress reflected in our body and functioning?
  •        It decreases our ability to concentrate.
  •        It increases our blood pressure and the health risks that this brings.
  •        Emotional disorders and bad mood increase. 
  •        Stomach discomfort and sleep disturbances.
  •        Increase or decrease in weight.
  •        Decreased sex drive.

And The Effect Of Technology On Stress?
Usually, technology is accepted as an ally to facilitate our lives. However, its improper use can become a nightmare for our peace of mind. Several studies show that workers distracted by e-mails and telephone calls suffer a fall in the IQ of more than double than those who consume psychotropic substances.

There are also researches about Facebook in which participants said that this site made them "feel anxious and guilty about rejecting invitations from a friend, pressured to publish inventive updates, and frustrated of having to apply different online etiquette rules with different friends".

Many times it has been insisted on the importance of knowing how to handle email and social networks with efficiency criteria for personal and work life. We are inevitably immersed in the world of the Internet. However, our health and productivity depends on knowing and learning to manage it in favor of our happiness.

Beware That Stress Is Also Contagious
In the brain, neurons perform functions that allow people to keep constant alerts about their environment. For this reason, we become infected by the stress of others. Thus, a vicious circle is formed in which, although we strive to be calm, the stress of those around us always infects us.

Knowing how to handle stress allows us to make a difference in our relationships and also helps us regain balance and a certain peace.

Stress can be paralyzing, but managing it properly can create drastic improvements in our lives. The greatest and most constant characteristic among people who live 100 years is the ability to manage stress.

How To Manage Stress To Give Us Better Care?
We can do stress measuring app and stop the stress before it starts. Personal planning and good organizational habits are simple ways to keep it at bay.

Physical disorder can affect our mood and productivity. Clearing the workspace, with order and cleanliness, also helps to clear the mind.

It is not about turning planning and order into another reason for stress, but rather into simple mechanisms of help to avoid the shocks that occur in unforeseen situations, which will always surround us.

Also through the body we can influence our minds. For example, if our schedule does not allow us to regularly attend the gym, we can park as far as possible from the workplace and walk, or take the stairs to get to our apartment or office, or stretch at our desk to release the tensions

It is not essential to have a gym routine or be high performance athletes to combat stress. It is enough to walk half an hour each day or perform a simple routine of home exercises and sustain a physically active life. We can renounce a sedentary lifestyle. It is something that is within our reach.

Remember that we can always develop optimism and learn to enjoy things that we do not like at first...

Some Of The Benefits Of Knowing How To Handle Stress
The effort required to better manage the pressures that generate stress provides substantial benefits:
  •        We improve our concentration.
  •        It is easier for us to make decisions.
  •        When we sleep we can really rest.
  •        We generate more endorphins and thus we also improve our mood and our physical appearance.
  •        We become more productive: time gives us more and tasks are done with less effort.
  •        We improve digestion and feel less heavy after eating.
  •        Our immune system becomes healthier and we get sick less.
  •        We feel more energized during the day and the challenges and difficulties affect us emotionally less.
  •        It causes us to better serve ourselves and all the clients with whom we interact.
  •        We find it more stimulating to self-demand and self-improve.

Take Control Of What Is Within Your Reach And Act
When we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of an environment that we cannot control, we get stressed. That is, feeling that we do not have control is an important stressor.

So we started to improve stress management by focusing on what we can control: For example, a minimum of daily exercises, daily training our optimism and set daily goals that we can meet. It does not even make sense to stress out of stress.

Likewise, we can learn to say "no". Accepting new duties when we are already very busy is not useful. We must learn to reconcile our ambitions with the available resources and capabilities. Remember the wise saying: "he who embraces much, little squeezes."

It is certainly important to maintain a positive disposition to take on new tasks, but if we do not fulfill them, we will have a stressful feeling of frustration and low self-esteem.

We must bear in mind that serving people and helping them meet their needs makes us feel that we are useful and that with each person we serve in a special way, we also transcend professionally and spiritually.

In this sense, we can say that serving customers well can be a great source of anti stress and is a personal decision that is within our reach.

You Also Have To Take Breaks And Give Yourself Time
Taking a little personal time is one of the most popular ways to prevent stress. But do not assume it as a selfish act or as an unnecessary or superficial distraction.

Precisely, during the recreational activities we filled the tank with enthusiasm and found a lot of inspiration so that the external pressures affect us less and so we can fulfill our goals.

Identify the activities that we like the most and practice them more frequently. This is one of the ways to relax more and connect with inner peace, creativity and personal energy.

Also, remember to put limits and order to the activities in social networks and work with email. Managing stress involves learning to take control over how to invest your time. This also means taking control of one's life through an appreciative attitude of one's own abilities.

However, it is important to develop new habits that lead us to give new meanings to work, and in this way be more productive. We cannot continue to relate to work activities as if it were sacrifices or punishments. The more complex a professional challenge, the more opportunity we have to grow, increasing emotional intelligence and work skills.

It is up to us to assume and understand that the difficulties are there. Focusing on opportunities and setting aside self-sabotage, defeatism or self-pity does not mean being unrealistic or optimistic at all costs.

The challenge is to use our own strengths to meet measurable and stimulating goals to move forward, improving the quality of life by improving the care we give our own health.

Friday, August 10, 2018

What Does A Physiotherapist Do?

Physiotherapists treat people who are recovering from physical damage and those seeking relief from pain caused by chronic physical problems. To work as a physiotherapist you must obtain a bachelor's degree and apply for a licence to practice the profession. 

Physiotherapists usually receive patients referred by family physicians and medical specialists and gives them a healthy lifestyle solution. They work with patients as part of a larger treatment plan scheduled by a health team, or on the recommendation of the patient's personal physician. The first visit of a patient consists of a consultation to evaluate their condition and determine what the best way to treat it is. The physiotherapist draws up a plan that includes appointments and the exercises that the patient must perform.

Treatment Sessions
Best Physiotherapist in Town treat patient's in their private practises, hospitals, and places of retreat, and use various types of exercise equipment to restore physical health. After the first consultation, each visit of a patient consists of routines to advance in the treatment that includes stretching and exercises. A physiotherapist also controls the progress of strength and flexibility to determine where to make changes in the physiotherapy routine.

Physiotherapy has two objectives: physical rehabilitation and pain relief. Someone with a shoulder injury or patients who have suffered a traumatic injury often need physiotherapy to regain normal mobility as the injuries heal. In those cases, a physiotherapist designs a plan to increase the range of mobility and minimise pain. The professional guides the patient during the plan to achieve these goals.

In some cases, the physiotherapist assists people who have chronic physical illnesses that probably will not be completely resolved. The typical objective in these cases is to improve the quality of life of the patient. Through stretching, exercises, and work on the legs, arms, back, shoulders, neck or where the pain comes from, the physiotherapist hopes to reduce the patient's awareness of the problem and alleviate its impact on their life. Teaching patients how to apply heat and cold on swollen ankles and knees is a simple and common way that the physiotherapist can help with relief. In some cases, such as exercising the rigidity of a joint with arthritis, physiotherapy is a preventive measure to avoid the physical repercussions of diseases and disabilities.

Friday, August 3, 2018

You Can Cope With Stress

When we talk about "STRESS" it seems like it is a theme that we all have suffered at some point in our lives. It is a concept that is very present in our lives. Sometimes, too...

But is it really something we can solve?

I say yes. And I add conditions. I will tell how it affects us and also what solutions we have at our disposal. My proposal is that it be a practical article where you learn new ways to manage it.

STRESS On A Day-To-Day Basis

We live in an era where it has become common to live stress.

But is this state really something natural or proper to the human being?

According to stress counsellors we must understand that stress is our body's own response in order to respond to possible situations of threat or danger. The problem we find when this stress becomes continuous and persistent. One may feel stressed at particular periods of his life, but when he is continually in a state of alertness and tension, this is when the vast majority of ills are generated.
Some possible causes of our stress can be found in our lifestyle habits:
  • Hyperstimulation (excess of information and stimuli through the different electronic devices).
  • Rhythms of work more demanding and competitive.
  • Lack of time for rest or to recover.
  • More artificial or superficial social relationships (contacts via social networks are not the same as face-to-face contacts).
  • Fast food and not always healthy.
  • Abuse of exciting substances such as coffee.
  • Lack of movement or sports practices to free ourselves from tensions.

How Does It Affect Us?

There are many areas and functions that are affected by stress. This harms the whole organism, although we will also highlight some of the indicators of discomfort both at a general level and with regard to our brain. There are the different stress level measurement tool to help you measure your stress

A General Level:

  • Mood changes (we can go from being happy, to angry or sad).
  • Alterations in our sleep and wake cycles.
  • Lack of energy and desire to do activities.
  • Obesity and overweight.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Skin problems, hair loss and hives.

Regarding Our Brain:

  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Memory loss.
  • Lack of concentration capacity.
  • Difficulty to be able to use our creativity or lateral thinking.
  • Difficulty in learning or incorporating new learnings.
  • Modifications of our reward systems.

What Solutions Do We Have At Our Disposal?

Thanks to the latest discoveries in the field of Neuroscience, we know which regions are activated when we are stressed. There is a specific area that is part of the limbic system, which is the main responsible for emotional regulation.

Learn To Manage Stress And Anxiety

If when we are stressed, these regions are over activated, when applying a work / relaxation guidelines we will obtain a decrease in their activation levels.
In this way the Neurosciences applied to the field of Psychotherapy have generated a body of new practices or methodologies to help us with these objectives of fighting stress. Some of these techniques are millenary as would be the case of meditation (now with its scientific study, which has originated the practice of Mindfulness). Also at a more modern level we would have Neuroscientific Therapies or therapies with a neurobiological base (which allow us to reduce the activation of limbic areas or areas of emotional regulation).
Also conventional psychotherapies are a great ally and can be combined and unite with the aforementioned therapies.

New Life Style

Beyond psychological therapies, we must bear in mind that our lifestyle is a basis for obtaining better quality and reducing stress levels. If we practice sports, we take care of our relationships, we have time to relax or meditate ..., to give some examples, and we will also significantly reduce our levels of stress and discomfort.

Tools For Anxiety Management

You can start making changes in your life, you can start by incorporating a small habit or asking for professional help.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Did You Know That Stress Can Cause Some Diseases

Suffering stress can constantly cause negative effects on both the heart and the digestive system
Did you know that stress can cause some diseases?

The stress can reach your body for different reasons. Problems at home, work demands, people who do not tolerate or break up are some reasons why you can feel that way.

According to some professionals, sometimes it is impossible not to feel stress, but there are some alternatives, such as exercising, walking or being distracted that can help you to release it. If you do not, stress can cause different damages to your health.

- Problems in the Skin: If you suffer from a high level of stress, you may start to feel itchy or irritated skin. In addition, this can cause you to get acne or you start to fall more hair.
- Headaches: Another one of the evils that you generate the stress is a headache. When you are stressed, your head tries to think too much and control emotions, causing pain. To avoid it, try to do a daily physical activity that manages to distract you.
- Heart Problems: The stress on the body generates high blood pressure that can cause various heart problems that could reach cardiac arrest.
- Muscle Tears: If you are going to do any physical activity, you should stretch and be as relaxed as possible. If you do it stressed, your muscles will be tense and you will be more at risk of suffering some type of injury.
- Mental Problems: One of the things that can cause you to stress is different mental problems. Anxiety, insomnia or panic attacks are diseases in the mind that can be caused by a life full of stress. 
- Menstrual Disorders: Excessive stress can alter your menstrual cycle. This is because the sex hormones and those produced by stress are regulated by the same gland: the hypothalamus.
- Myopia: Vision problems may also appear if you try to read or observe things when you are stressed. You go very fast with what you try to read and the eyes get tired and you can start to hurt yourself.

How Can I Measure Stress?
Feeling stress is a fact of life for most people. But it affects everyone differently. What causes stress for you may not be stressful for another person. This is because the way you see a situation affects the amount of stress it causes you. Only you can find out if you have too much stress in your life.
These questions can be a stress or depression test for you:

What Stress Do I Have? For Work, Family, Or Staff?
Stress can be caused by a permanent personal situation, such as 
Problems in your family or with a relationship.

Caring for an elderly relative, who has chronic health problems, or who is disabled. Care is an important source of stress.
His work.
Deal with a family member who is under stress.

Have I Had Any Major Recent Changes In My Life?
Changes in life, such as getting married, moving to a new city, or losing your job can be stressful. You can not always control these things, but you can control how to respond to them.

Do My Beliefs Cause Me Stress?
Some people feel stress because of their beliefs in conflict with the way they are living their life. Examine your beliefs to see if you have these kinds of conflicts in your life.

How Am I Dealing With Stress?
Your lifestyle can prevent your body from recovering from stress. For example, when you sleep, your body recovers from the stress of the day. If you are not getting enough sleep, or your sleep is interrupted often, you lose the opportunity to recover from stress.

The way you act and behave can also be a sign of stress. Some people who face a lot of stress react to smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating poorly, or not exercising. The health risks posed by these habits are further aggravated by stress.

Your body feels stress-related wear in two ways: stress itself and unhealthy ways of responding to it.