Thursday, September 20, 2018

Good Practises In Stress Management

Good practises of companies in the management of work stress

It is popular wisdom to know that every act carries its consequences, that you are not healthy or sick without there being any reason for this, it is a secret even for ourselves to know what sometimes happens with the behaviour of our organism, how through the years we are changing and maybe degenerating in our body and mental health, in many cultures we are accustomed to accepting that with age our organism will decrease in their abilities and abilities to the point of becoming dependent of our relatives, who also have their occupations.

Stress is at the beginning, a controllable disease, based on therapies, mental and physical exercise programs, medical treatments, but above all to recognise it, to know and have the disposition and responsibility to channel these energies along a path more constructive, one could get to control and gain the ability to handle it to a large extent. You can use stress monitor app to check your level of stress. 

The problem is that most of the time we do not realise or do not give the correct importance to this silent agent until it is too late. Some of the diseases that are most frequent today in society are the following:

1. ACV: cerebrovascular accident.-known as stroke or stroke, affects about 500,000 people per year in the United States alone and represents the third cause of death after myocardial infarction and cancer.

2. TIA -transient ischemic attack-episode characterised by temporary cerebral dysfunction as a consequence of decreased blood flow.

3. ADHD.-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.-is a learning disorder characterised by periods of short concentration, a level of constant hyperactivity and impulses inappropriate for age. It is believed that this disorder affects about 5% of children, begins in childhood and continues in adolescence and adulthood.

Here is the importance of improving our lifestyle, doing this can be the difference between living with an acceptable quality much of our lives and reach old age one day in good health and have the ability to stand by our own abilities. It would be good to carry out a self-survey:

How would I want my body to be in the period of my old age?
How can I create a truly healthy lifestyle that can be applied to my life?
Is it important for me to recognise what stress can cause in my life if I let it increase for a long period of time?
What actions am I willing to do to improve my life and why?

It's time, maybe you did not get to this page by chance, I hope this article helps you and gives you something for your life. Thank you for your time, and you know that I await your comments and suggestions.

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