Friday, August 3, 2018

You Can Cope With Stress

When we talk about "STRESS" it seems like it is a theme that we all have suffered at some point in our lives. It is a concept that is very present in our lives. Sometimes, too...

But is it really something we can solve?

I say yes. And I add conditions. I will tell how it affects us and also what solutions we have at our disposal. My proposal is that it be a practical article where you learn new ways to manage it.

STRESS On A Day-To-Day Basis

We live in an era where it has become common to live stress.

But is this state really something natural or proper to the human being?

According to stress counsellors we must understand that stress is our body's own response in order to respond to possible situations of threat or danger. The problem we find when this stress becomes continuous and persistent. One may feel stressed at particular periods of his life, but when he is continually in a state of alertness and tension, this is when the vast majority of ills are generated.
Some possible causes of our stress can be found in our lifestyle habits:
  • Hyperstimulation (excess of information and stimuli through the different electronic devices).
  • Rhythms of work more demanding and competitive.
  • Lack of time for rest or to recover.
  • More artificial or superficial social relationships (contacts via social networks are not the same as face-to-face contacts).
  • Fast food and not always healthy.
  • Abuse of exciting substances such as coffee.
  • Lack of movement or sports practices to free ourselves from tensions.

How Does It Affect Us?

There are many areas and functions that are affected by stress. This harms the whole organism, although we will also highlight some of the indicators of discomfort both at a general level and with regard to our brain. There are the different stress level measurement tool to help you measure your stress

A General Level:

  • Mood changes (we can go from being happy, to angry or sad).
  • Alterations in our sleep and wake cycles.
  • Lack of energy and desire to do activities.
  • Obesity and overweight.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Skin problems, hair loss and hives.

Regarding Our Brain:

  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Memory loss.
  • Lack of concentration capacity.
  • Difficulty to be able to use our creativity or lateral thinking.
  • Difficulty in learning or incorporating new learnings.
  • Modifications of our reward systems.

What Solutions Do We Have At Our Disposal?

Thanks to the latest discoveries in the field of Neuroscience, we know which regions are activated when we are stressed. There is a specific area that is part of the limbic system, which is the main responsible for emotional regulation.

Learn To Manage Stress And Anxiety

If when we are stressed, these regions are over activated, when applying a work / relaxation guidelines we will obtain a decrease in their activation levels.
In this way the Neurosciences applied to the field of Psychotherapy have generated a body of new practices or methodologies to help us with these objectives of fighting stress. Some of these techniques are millenary as would be the case of meditation (now with its scientific study, which has originated the practice of Mindfulness). Also at a more modern level we would have Neuroscientific Therapies or therapies with a neurobiological base (which allow us to reduce the activation of limbic areas or areas of emotional regulation).
Also conventional psychotherapies are a great ally and can be combined and unite with the aforementioned therapies.

New Life Style

Beyond psychological therapies, we must bear in mind that our lifestyle is a basis for obtaining better quality and reducing stress levels. If we practice sports, we take care of our relationships, we have time to relax or meditate ..., to give some examples, and we will also significantly reduce our levels of stress and discomfort.

Tools For Anxiety Management

You can start making changes in your life, you can start by incorporating a small habit or asking for professional help.

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