Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Improve The Quality Of Life

Good customer service starts with oneself. It is very difficult to serve other people well if you feel bitter, unmotivated and stressed.

You cannot even be a good student, a parent, or a husband if you do not learn how to positively handle the daily pressures of life, before they become stress.

However, with small daily actions we can find great solutions to improve our quality of life, achieve better performance at work, maintain better relationships with our friends, and share significant moments with the family. In short, obtain greater satisfaction in all areas and situations.

When we hear about stress, we often think that its solution only depends on the disappearance of its causes. But with certain simple practices we can give ourselves good attention and in this way expand our opportunities for well-being.

According to some stress counsellors, stressful situations adversely affect people in different ways, but there are also many ways to keep them under control.

Learn To Recognize The Causes Of Stress
When we are adults, many of us get stressed for reasons linked to work and stress costs companies billions of dollars translated into low productivity, absenteeism and claims for compensation.

Others are stressed by monetary issues. In many cases, paying the debts of the house and managing bank accounts is the most stressful task in the home.

And almost all of us who have parental functions stress the various family responsibilities.

We Must Also Understand The Symptoms
How is stress reflected in our body and functioning?
  •        It decreases our ability to concentrate.
  •        It increases our blood pressure and the health risks that this brings.
  •        Emotional disorders and bad mood increase. 
  •        Stomach discomfort and sleep disturbances.
  •        Increase or decrease in weight.
  •        Decreased sex drive.

And The Effect Of Technology On Stress?
Usually, technology is accepted as an ally to facilitate our lives. However, its improper use can become a nightmare for our peace of mind. Several studies show that workers distracted by e-mails and telephone calls suffer a fall in the IQ of more than double than those who consume psychotropic substances.

There are also researches about Facebook in which participants said that this site made them "feel anxious and guilty about rejecting invitations from a friend, pressured to publish inventive updates, and frustrated of having to apply different online etiquette rules with different friends".

Many times it has been insisted on the importance of knowing how to handle email and social networks with efficiency criteria for personal and work life. We are inevitably immersed in the world of the Internet. However, our health and productivity depends on knowing and learning to manage it in favor of our happiness.

Beware That Stress Is Also Contagious
In the brain, neurons perform functions that allow people to keep constant alerts about their environment. For this reason, we become infected by the stress of others. Thus, a vicious circle is formed in which, although we strive to be calm, the stress of those around us always infects us.

Knowing how to handle stress allows us to make a difference in our relationships and also helps us regain balance and a certain peace.

Stress can be paralyzing, but managing it properly can create drastic improvements in our lives. The greatest and most constant characteristic among people who live 100 years is the ability to manage stress.

How To Manage Stress To Give Us Better Care?
We can do stress measuring app and stop the stress before it starts. Personal planning and good organizational habits are simple ways to keep it at bay.

Physical disorder can affect our mood and productivity. Clearing the workspace, with order and cleanliness, also helps to clear the mind.

It is not about turning planning and order into another reason for stress, but rather into simple mechanisms of help to avoid the shocks that occur in unforeseen situations, which will always surround us.

Also through the body we can influence our minds. For example, if our schedule does not allow us to regularly attend the gym, we can park as far as possible from the workplace and walk, or take the stairs to get to our apartment or office, or stretch at our desk to release the tensions

It is not essential to have a gym routine or be high performance athletes to combat stress. It is enough to walk half an hour each day or perform a simple routine of home exercises and sustain a physically active life. We can renounce a sedentary lifestyle. It is something that is within our reach.

Remember that we can always develop optimism and learn to enjoy things that we do not like at first...

Some Of The Benefits Of Knowing How To Handle Stress
The effort required to better manage the pressures that generate stress provides substantial benefits:
  •        We improve our concentration.
  •        It is easier for us to make decisions.
  •        When we sleep we can really rest.
  •        We generate more endorphins and thus we also improve our mood and our physical appearance.
  •        We become more productive: time gives us more and tasks are done with less effort.
  •        We improve digestion and feel less heavy after eating.
  •        Our immune system becomes healthier and we get sick less.
  •        We feel more energized during the day and the challenges and difficulties affect us emotionally less.
  •        It causes us to better serve ourselves and all the clients with whom we interact.
  •        We find it more stimulating to self-demand and self-improve.

Take Control Of What Is Within Your Reach And Act
When we feel overwhelmed by the pressures of an environment that we cannot control, we get stressed. That is, feeling that we do not have control is an important stressor.

So we started to improve stress management by focusing on what we can control: For example, a minimum of daily exercises, daily training our optimism and set daily goals that we can meet. It does not even make sense to stress out of stress.

Likewise, we can learn to say "no". Accepting new duties when we are already very busy is not useful. We must learn to reconcile our ambitions with the available resources and capabilities. Remember the wise saying: "he who embraces much, little squeezes."

It is certainly important to maintain a positive disposition to take on new tasks, but if we do not fulfill them, we will have a stressful feeling of frustration and low self-esteem.

We must bear in mind that serving people and helping them meet their needs makes us feel that we are useful and that with each person we serve in a special way, we also transcend professionally and spiritually.

In this sense, we can say that serving customers well can be a great source of anti stress and is a personal decision that is within our reach.

You Also Have To Take Breaks And Give Yourself Time
Taking a little personal time is one of the most popular ways to prevent stress. But do not assume it as a selfish act or as an unnecessary or superficial distraction.

Precisely, during the recreational activities we filled the tank with enthusiasm and found a lot of inspiration so that the external pressures affect us less and so we can fulfill our goals.

Identify the activities that we like the most and practice them more frequently. This is one of the ways to relax more and connect with inner peace, creativity and personal energy.

Also, remember to put limits and order to the activities in social networks and work with email. Managing stress involves learning to take control over how to invest your time. This also means taking control of one's life through an appreciative attitude of one's own abilities.

However, it is important to develop new habits that lead us to give new meanings to work, and in this way be more productive. We cannot continue to relate to work activities as if it were sacrifices or punishments. The more complex a professional challenge, the more opportunity we have to grow, increasing emotional intelligence and work skills.

It is up to us to assume and understand that the difficulties are there. Focusing on opportunities and setting aside self-sabotage, defeatism or self-pity does not mean being unrealistic or optimistic at all costs.

The challenge is to use our own strengths to meet measurable and stimulating goals to move forward, improving the quality of life by improving the care we give our own health.

1 comment:

  1. actually, i watched this movie twice because i sort of laughed a lot on the ugly truth movie~ AMREP South Korea
