Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Did You Know That Stress Can Cause Some Diseases

Suffering stress can constantly cause negative effects on both the heart and the digestive system
Did you know that stress can cause some diseases?

The stress can reach your body for different reasons. Problems at home, work demands, people who do not tolerate or break up are some reasons why you can feel that way.

According to some professionals, sometimes it is impossible not to feel stress, but there are some alternatives, such as exercising, walking or being distracted that can help you to release it. If you do not, stress can cause different damages to your health.

- Problems in the Skin: If you suffer from a high level of stress, you may start to feel itchy or irritated skin. In addition, this can cause you to get acne or you start to fall more hair.
- Headaches: Another one of the evils that you generate the stress is a headache. When you are stressed, your head tries to think too much and control emotions, causing pain. To avoid it, try to do a daily physical activity that manages to distract you.
- Heart Problems: The stress on the body generates high blood pressure that can cause various heart problems that could reach cardiac arrest.
- Muscle Tears: If you are going to do any physical activity, you should stretch and be as relaxed as possible. If you do it stressed, your muscles will be tense and you will be more at risk of suffering some type of injury.
- Mental Problems: One of the things that can cause you to stress is different mental problems. Anxiety, insomnia or panic attacks are diseases in the mind that can be caused by a life full of stress. 
- Menstrual Disorders: Excessive stress can alter your menstrual cycle. This is because the sex hormones and those produced by stress are regulated by the same gland: the hypothalamus.
- Myopia: Vision problems may also appear if you try to read or observe things when you are stressed. You go very fast with what you try to read and the eyes get tired and you can start to hurt yourself.

How Can I Measure Stress?
Feeling stress is a fact of life for most people. But it affects everyone differently. What causes stress for you may not be stressful for another person. This is because the way you see a situation affects the amount of stress it causes you. Only you can find out if you have too much stress in your life.
These questions can be a stress or depression test for you:

What Stress Do I Have? For Work, Family, Or Staff?
Stress can be caused by a permanent personal situation, such as 
Problems in your family or with a relationship.

Caring for an elderly relative, who has chronic health problems, or who is disabled. Care is an important source of stress.
His work.
Deal with a family member who is under stress.

Have I Had Any Major Recent Changes In My Life?
Changes in life, such as getting married, moving to a new city, or losing your job can be stressful. You can not always control these things, but you can control how to respond to them.

Do My Beliefs Cause Me Stress?
Some people feel stress because of their beliefs in conflict with the way they are living their life. Examine your beliefs to see if you have these kinds of conflicts in your life.

How Am I Dealing With Stress?
Your lifestyle can prevent your body from recovering from stress. For example, when you sleep, your body recovers from the stress of the day. If you are not getting enough sleep, or your sleep is interrupted often, you lose the opportunity to recover from stress.

The way you act and behave can also be a sign of stress. Some people who face a lot of stress react to smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating poorly, or not exercising. The health risks posed by these habits are further aggravated by stress.

Your body feels stress-related wear in two ways: stress itself and unhealthy ways of responding to it.